Introducing the Trybbles Claim!

In the coming weeks, we will be organising a claim event, where current holders of Trybbles will be able to redeem the remaining, unminted tokens from the Series One collection.

The claim will be 1 to 1. Meaning that for each Trybbles NFT you hold in your wallet (not listed on marketplaces) you will be eligible to mint 1 additional Trybbles NFT.

As currently we have minted more than half of the collection, claiming will be open for a limited amount of time only and will operate on a first come first served basis.

4313 Trybbles NFTs have been minted so far and there are currently 2857 unminted (may be less by the time we close the public mint site).

Because of this, you will want to submit your claim as soon as possible to ensure you get the maximum number of Trybbles NFTs you will be eligible for.

As a reminder, none of the 5 Ultra Rares in the Final Drop have been minted yet, so that is another reason why you might want to get your claim in early.

The distribution for the claim event will also be random.

Members of the Trybbles Club will have priority access to the claim mechanism by 24 hours.

The length of the priority claim was decided by vote by the members of the Trybbles Club.

This is an example of another great reason to consider joining the Trybbles Club, if you haven’t already.

Visit the Trybbles Club page for more info on how to join.

We are currently working with our partners on developing the tech needed for the claim process. It should be ready in the next few weeks, so we should be able to let you know the exact dates of the claim period shortly.

If you are a Zombie Chains holder and have claimed your zombie Trading Cards, the system should be familiar, but a lot more components need to be built under the hood.

Such as the ability to verify the exact number of NFTs held by a wallet and to assign a claim quota based on that. Also the ability to claim a variable number of NFTs in a single transaction (up to a maximum), enable doing so multiple times and keeping track of the exact number that has been claimed.

Plus there’s a limited amount of NFTs available for claim, on a first come first served basis, so in addition there needs to be a queuing mechanism in place.

We also want to give you an opportunity to increase the number of Trybbles NFTs you can claim by organising a giveaway.

To enter simply like and retweet the first post of the claim Twitter announcement thread.

We’ll select 3 winners by the end of the week, each will receive an SRE Trybbles of their choice.

If you have any additional questions about the claim mechanism, let us know and we’ll be happy to answer them.


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