Frequently Asked Questions

What are Trybbles NFTs?

A digital collectable, registered immutably to the Cardano blockchain, one of the world’s most decentralised cryptographic ledgers with over 3000 independent network validators (stake pools).

This guarantees an immutable record of ownership and indisputable provenance (100% verifiable, trackable and public).

I minted a Trybbles NFT, what’s the best way to view it?

For now, the best way to view them is - just input your receiving address. 

On mobile, you can also use the NFT Craze app available on both iOS and Android.

What’s the policy ID of the Trybbles NFT collection?

All Trybbles Cardano NFTs are minted with the following policy ID:


If you come across what seems to be a Trybbles NFT, but it has a different policy ID, it means it didn’t originate from us & is not part of the original official collection.

What is “Emoko”?

Trybbles express variations and subtleties of emotions by combining the display of facial features with different colors - Emoko.

Emoko = Emo(tion) + ko(lor)

Can I view all minted Trybbles NFTs, sort them by attributes & rarity and find the specific Trybbles I’m looking for?

There’s an app for that:

Are there any other benefits to Trybbles NFTs besides 100% provable and verifiable ownership of an awesome digital artwork?

By holding any Trybbles NFT in your wallet you gain access to the Trybbles Club. An exclusive Discord room for owners.

Find out more about the Trybbles Club & how to connect your wallet & register by going to the dedicated page.

I heard something about a Rewards Collection, what’s that about?

The Trybbles Rewards Collection is a special collection randomly airdropped over the course of 12 weeks to qualifying wallets that hold 10 or more Trybbles NFTs - each set of 10 Trybbles represents a chance. All NFTs in the Trybbles Rewards Collection are 1/5 (equivalent to a Super-Rare in Series One).

Find out more and take a look at the Trybbles Rewards Collection.

I minted a Trybbles NFT, does that means I now own the copyright to it?

As the owner of the NFT you are granted a worldwide, non-exclusive license to display, copy or print the image for personal, non-commercial use.

New Mindflow retains all copyright of the name, images and text.