Part 10 of 10

Part 9

Part 8

Part 7

Drop 6

Drop 5

Drop 4

Drop 3

Drop 2

Drop 1

Trybbles are digital collectables, registered on the Cardano blockchain, one of the world’s most decentralised cryptographic ledgers with over 3000 independent network validators.
This guarantees an immutable record of ownership and indisputable provenance. 100% verifiable, trackable and public.
The Trybbles Policy ID: d05271dc4748d2a2c69ddf91135d1a712b034f1c1b375d623a12a7d8
Verifying the policy is what ensures that the collection is genuine and has been minted by the original creator (minted = the artwork has been registered as an asset on the blockchain).
Marketplaces for secondary sales, such as, feature an indicator, usually a colored checkmark to indicate a collection, and its corresponding policy ID, has been verified.
Trybbles inhabit a rich and vibrant world and have an intricate backstory which you can start discovering by glimpsing at the World page.
Every owner of a Trybbles NFT gains access to the Trybbles Club.